News - 2018 Seattle Jr. EMERALD CUP for U-13 (Sep 1 to 3)
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2018 Seattle Jr. EMERALD CUP for U-13 (Sep 1 to 3)

08/29/2018POSTED BY Seattle Cricket League Admin

2018 Seattle Jr. EMERALD CUP for U-13 (Sep 1 to 3)

Seattle Cricket League presents 2018 Seattle Jr. EMERALD CUP for U-13 (Cutoff date Sep 1 2005) from Sat, Sep 1 to Mon, Sep 3 2018 @ Marymoor Park Cricket Grounds. Trophies for all Man of the Match awardees & for all outstanding performers during the entire tournament
Special awards for Best Batsman (BAT), Best Bowler (CRICKET SHOES), Best Fielder (CRICKET SHOES), EMERGING Player of the tournament (CRICKET SHOES), Player of the FINALS (BAT) & Tournament MVP (BAT & CRICKET SHOES)
* 8 players a side, 2 Super  Subs, Max of 10 players a side
* 16 overs per innings, 4 overs max per bowler
* White Cricket Ball with 22 yards pitch
* Colored uniforms (team responsibility)
* 4 games per team 
* Playoffs (Semis & Finals)
Team Registration Fees: $500; Individual: $65
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