Match Results
Match Results: Odey Wealth Evening League 2019
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Aug 2019

Odey Wealth Evening League 2019 - EL3

Grant Thornton St Saviours B v Drop The L Strollers

Drop The L Strollers won by 8 Wickets



Jun 2019

Odey Wealth Evening League 2019 - EL3

Grant Thornton St Saviours B v Drop The L Strollers

Drop The L Strollers won by 5 Wickets

 # Match Type Date Team One Team two Result Scores Summary Points
2 League 08/05/2019 Grant Thornton St Saviours B Drop The L Strollers Drop The L Strollers won by 8 Wickets Grant Thornton St Saviours B: 119/5(17.4)
Drop The L Strollers: 120/2(14.3)
1 League 06/03/2019 Grant Thornton St Saviours B Drop The L Strollers Drop The L Strollers won by 5 Wickets Grant Thornton St Saviours B: 115/6(20.0)
Drop The L Strollers: 116/5(17.0)