Article - CricClubs FAQ
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CricClubs FAQ

Farhan Khan (

CricClubs FAQ

Please DO NOT register as a NEW player if you are currently playing in TDCA - you must claim your profile as it already exists on the new system.

Welcome to TDCA new website, we are excited to introduce this new website please take few minutes to read few questions and answers on how to use this new website. We encourage you spend few minutes in understanding and claiming your player profile.

Please note that TDCA will NOT be able to answer all your questions on time, so to make it easy we have prepared FAQs to help you register and set sail.

1. How to register and Claim Player Profile?

Step 1: Visit our website
Step 2: Click on Players menu and click "Player Search" menu option 
Step 3: Search for your first name, last name and team name, if no results please search just your first name, there could be typo of your name and it may not show your the results. Once you find your name click on it. 
Step 3a: All scores upto last week have been moved to the new system so you can also search your game scorecard and identify your profile through season scorecards
Step 4: Upon clicking the player you will visit new page where you should see on top right corner "Is this you?" "Claim this profile" click on the link to claim it as yours
Step 5: It will ask your email ID and click submit which will send TDCA administrator to approve
Step 6: TDCAmembers will approve the player based on team, player authenticated 
Step 7: Once approved it will send you an email which you provided with new password information.Please login with your email id and password and also change the default password.
Step 8: Your registration process is completed.

2. How to login and use the website?

When you visit our website you will have an option to login to see player information, team information and league information. Please look for "Login" button on blue bar in the navigation menu.

3. Who can access the website? And What information is visible to public and logged in users?

Public: They can see only league information and generic information such as About us, grounds, articles and news
Logged In User: Any player registered with team can see League playing information, scoresheet, player information and also be able to upload their own picture

4. How to report an issue to Website admin?

You can report any issues by clicking on the menu navigation "League" menu and click on Contact option, on this page please fill in details and click submit and one of our volunteers will review and take it fwd.

5. How to Merge Multiple Players Profile

You might have played in many leagues or accidently create duplicate player profile in the past and want to merge the accounts. 

1. From Top menu click Players --> Player 
Search the player "eg. Vaibhav"

2. Get email address of player after selecting the claimed profile the one with Green checked.
--->> Click on Update link it takes you to update page
--->> Click on the preferences tab section

3. Copy Email address from this profile and paste into other two profiles that are requested by the player and those profiles which are either claimed with different address.

4. Email to player and committee regarding merge, so we are aware of the merger and not conflicting other player profiles.

6. Privileges for Captains/Vice-Captains

Captains/Vice-Captains will have extra privilege pertaining to their teams than just a player.
Captains/Vice-Captains can navigate from top menu's to their team using Teams -> View teams -> Click on your team name. You can take certain actions e.g. Add new players, Manage your team players, captains & VC's and team description, Upload team logo

6a. Update Team

Using this option Captains/VCs can update their team details like – Team name, players selected in roster for current series and Captain/VC.  Please update team description for others to read.
Upload Team Logo
Captain/VC can upload Team Logo using this option, please limit the size of your logo to 200*200 pixels or in those dimensions

6b. Add Players

This button lets you to add new players to your team once you add new players it will validate and check for duplicates. Once you add players then go to Update team so you can select the new player from Available list to Selected list. Max of 25 players is allowed per season per team.

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