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Azhar Basha Syed (

  • Byes and over throws are applicable in this tournament. But LBW is not applicable so no leg byes.
  • No ball and Wide will be penalized according to tennis ball cricket rules. One run and an extra ball will be awarded for a no ball and a wide ball. Every no ball will be awarded with a free hit.
  • Umpires reserve every right to declare a no ball with or without warning" if any bowler delivers under arm or throw ball.
  • If the ball pitches outside the mat it will be called wide with one run and an extra ball.
  • If the ball bounces twice before reaching the batsman it will be called a NO ball and every no ball will be awarded with a free hit. Umpires will make the call on this and it will be final decision.
  • Batting and keeping pads are not allowed in the tournament. However, batting and keeping gloves can be used.
  • Only ICC specified cricket bats can be used.
 Field restrictions:  
  • After the power play, a minimum of 4 fielders should be inside the fielding circle.
  • Only 5 fielders can field on the leg side at any point of time (bowler & keeper are not considered as a fielders in this regard.
  • Bowling Power play: A maximum of 2 fielders can be outside the 30 yard circle and bowling power play should be 1st two overs of the innings.
  • Batting Power play: A maximum of 3 fielders can be outside the 30 yard circle. Batting powerplay (1 over) can be taken anytime between 3rd and 9th over.
 Roster & Player Restrictions :  
  • Transfer of players between teams is not allowed. If noticed, the team will be disqualified from the tournament without any prior notice.
  • Any players apart from the squad will not be entertained.
  • Each player in the roster has to play at least one league match to qualify to play knockout games.
  • New player being added to roster should be notified, teams failing to do so will be penalized 1-point.
  • Any team playing out of roster players will not be awarded any points.
  • League will allow 6 cross corporate players including 1 noncorporate in the playing 11. there will be a jump in the entry fee.
    • 7 cross corporate = $500 entry fee
    • 8 cross corporate = $750 entry fee 
    • All cross corporate entry fee $2000 
 Schedule & Game:  
  • Teams should report 15 minutes before the start of the play.
  • At least 7 players must be present at the time of the toss and during the game and  toss  will be done  15 minutes prior to the scheduled time. If any team fails to reach in scheduled time, the toss will go in favor of the opposite team and late reporting team will lose 1 over in 1st  10 minutes, 15 mins 2 overs, 20 mins 4 overs and they will be disqualified after 30 minutes.
  • After the toss, the fielding team should set the fielding positions immediately to avoid any delay to begin the match. Batsmen will come to the crease only after the field arrangement.
  • Teams are advised to avoid any unnecessary delay before or during the game to maintain our time schedule.
  • Organizing committee will reserve full authority to intervene in such case off field and umpires will have full authority to intervene on field.
  • Each captain should nominate his playing XI before the toss. No player can be changed after the nomination without the consent of the opposing captain.
  • A new (Hard tennis ball) ball will be provided for each innings. In case of loss or damaged ball, umpire will replace the old ball with a new one/replacement ball and dead ball will give in case of out only. (Run out will not consider)
  • Umpires decisions will be final throughout the tournament. Any sort of misconducts by any players will result in direct suspension.
  • Organizers reserve the right to change the venue, date time and reduce the overs of matches at short notice.
  • A team must be ready to play two matches in a day, if required.
  • Team’s not sending umpires to their assigned matches have to inform prior and send the umpiring dues upfront
  • No bowler can bowl immediately after coming of the field after substitution. He will be able to bowl only after taking the field for next two overs.
  • Substitute runners are not allowed, unless a batsman gets injured in the field during a particular match and the role of a substitute will be fielding only.
  • batsman can get retired in the middle of his inningsif he is non-striker. If the batsman is injured/striker he will be considered as out with one dot ball.
 Super Over:  
  • In case of a draw in knockout stage of a league, ‘Super Over’ will come into play. Each team will have to bowl one over called ‘Super Over’. Only 3 batsmen will be allowed to bat the entire Super Over and 2 batsmen have to be given out to end the 1over innings. In simple words, the match will be of one over per innings and only 3 batsmen batting.
  • The team batting second in the match will bat first in the super over
  • In case, scores are tied at the end of the Super Overs. The team that lost fewer wickets will be adjudged the winner. In case the scores and wickets lost are the same, then each team will enter the “Death Over" where each team will bowl an over each at a set of stumps (without the batsman) and whoever hits the stumps more times will win the game. In case, both teams are equal at the end of six balls, they will carry on until one team misses the stumps, and the team hitting the stumps will be the winner. Every bowler will bowl only ball in Death Over.
  • All teams need to use scoring app CricClubs.
  • Teams not using scoring app will be penalized 1point. (Any help in understanding the scoring app can contact us)
  • Team failing to do so will be penalized with 1 point.
  • Umpires are required to check the pitch, crease, wickets, boundary and 30 yards circle cones and make sure everything as expected before the toss.
  • Umpire to check number of players available at the toss and make sure at least 7 players are available before the toss and during the game.
  • Umpire’s make sure the game starts as scheduled. Any delay caused either by any team; they will follow rules mentioned above.
  • Umpires have to note down the time for each innings and make sure it gets completed as specified in format point #4.
  • Umpires need to check the score sheet and make sure everything is proper and announce MOM.
  • If a game is stopped in between due to any reason (rain, bad light etc.) the game will be rescheduled and resume from where it was stopped.
 Umpiring Assignments:  
  • As we don’t have paid umpiring facility, we need umpiring assignments to be completed by participating teams in the league.
  • Umpires are required to be present on the ground 15 mins before schedule time.
  • Umpiring assignment assigned to each team as per schedule is MUST.
  • Teams not showing up as per umpiring assignment will be penalized by $25 and there will deduction of 1 point.
  • Late show by more than 15 mins is considered as NO SHOW and will be penalized as above point.
  • Late show within 15 mins for the first time will be considered as warning and second time onwards it will be considered as NO SHOW.
  • Any team unable to do their umpiring assignment can inform the MGMT with ample time. We will arrange umpire for the price of $25 without any point deduction
All players in the roaster of each team need to sign waiver form, player failing to do so will not be allowed to play in BCSL.

Overs & Bowling limit
  • 10 Overs per innings.
  • Minimum 5 bowlers need to bowl.
  • 2 overs maximum a bowler can bowl.

  1. Power Play

  • Bowling Power play: A maximum of 2 fielders can be outside the 30 yard circle and bowling power play should be 1st two overs of the innings.
  • Batting Power play: A maximum of 3 fielders can be outside the 30 yard circle. Batting powerplay (1 over) can be taken anytime between 3rd and 9th over.
Point System
  • Winner 2 points
  • Losers 0 points
  • Forfeit 0 points and $25 fined for not showing up.
  • Draw in league matches 1 point each.
  • Team with highest points and NRR will be in the number 1 spot after the league stages and teams with lower points will be ranked accordingly.
  • Playoff games will be played with top1 from each group to semifinals game and following with Finals
Time Limit:
  • Each innings should get over in 50 mins. 5 mins innings break. Total match time 1 hour 45 mins.
  • Any delay in not completing innings within assigned time, umpires have the authority to deduct
  • Note: BCSL board reserves the right to change rules without any prior notice.
Weather God:
  • Duckworth–Lewis method decision will take by organizers before or during the match for weather-affected or any dark issues related to matches.
  • Umpires will take the final decision to stop the match.
  • Matches will be continued where it is sto pped on another day.A match will be scheduled depending on the ground availability. Teams have to play the same players.
  • Until and unless hears team hear from the organizer teams should reach the ground and not assume that the match is called off.

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